I Heard Myself Through Her Mouth...

Some days back, I was stuck being the middleman between a couple bickering over infidelity issues. The man is the cheat. Shocker.  

I was silent as I listened to them argue incoherently and I was DAZED. Not by the harsh words thrown at each other. Not by the love hate banters, Not by anything else but by how much of myself I heard from her words. I heard my self through her mouth.

I quietly listened to her in disgust. The man was clearly guilty of putting another lady in a family way despite being married yet he intelligently played victim with so much strength and resilience. But the woman? Pathetic. Vulnerable. Weak. Stupid. In fact, I have no words.

Often times, We ladies speak without realizing how pathetic we sound. I heard words like ‘Don’t do this to me’, ‘ I feel lifeless without you’, ‘I feel less of myself’, 'Let me just die'... Why sis? To a man who impregnated another lady and intends making her a second wife?  What got me madder was how the man took advantage of her vulnerability and it seemed to me like she was begging despite his actions.  Right there and then, I made a decision to NEVER allow any man put me in  a position where he feels he has so much power over me. Never again.

Often times, We ladies forget how powerful we are. We have so much Potential. We are Strong. Interestingly, We do not need any man to feel complete, rather, they need us. You need to understand that the moment you accept vulnerability as part of your qualities is the moment your emotions start getting trampled upon.

Fellow Women, we need to develop that mindset that wants a man but would do just fine without one, and you’ll see, you won’t seem so vulnerable and desperate for the love you deserve and more.

My Advise: It’s fine to be vulnerable some times, but DO NOT SHOW IT!

Don’t get me wrong. If you’re wrong, then by all means, throw that pride aside and apologize genuinely. But never you beg a man to act right by you. You always have a choice


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