I really don't get the hype...

Seriously.        A few weeks back, while I was peacefully scrolling through my Twitter feeds. Bey was trending all over my Timeline. All she did was drop an album for fucks sake and it felt like Jesus was coming into town. Literally. Her fan base is more annoying than her. They treat her like JESUS, which is first of all absurd due to the fact that she is very obviously just a normal human being like you and I and they are ready to die for her if need be. You don baff?

 I am not afraid to say it, and I would say it over and over again. Her fans give her way too much credit.      Although, There is no denying that this lady is an amazing singer and performer But Her greatest attribute is her fans, and that's just about that. She Has The Best Fans. Who regularly spawn threats and insults to those that disagree that Beyonce isn't all that.

 Don’t get me wrong (Before the BEYHIVES attack me) I am a fan and believe her to be one the best performers on the planet. She is a hugely talented performer, sure, but enough’s enough. Like i said, shes OVERRATED, and here's why:

  She’s Proud:

Kanye West  gets criticized for being arrogant, but when Beyoncé shares words like “I’m more powerful than my mind can even digest and understand”, she somehow gets away with it. Why?

Check out her Instagram. She follows no one. Not one person, while she has a whooping 74million followers.

 I'm quite sure that the 'Oh-So-Proud' Yeezy would at least follow his wife on Instagram,  If he had an Instagram account.

 We let her get away with too much:

 Miley Cyrus is slammed for wearing over-revealing outfits and singing about sex and drugs,
Meanwhile, Beyoncé is allowed to do this and sing lyrics like “I get filthy with that liquor, give it to me”. At least Miley doesn’t have any kids yet who will be supremely embarrassed by her ways. Blue Ivy has to suffer the consequences of hearing her parents explicitly sing about their sex life like this: “He popped all my buttons and he ripped my blouse/ He Monica Lewinsky-ed all on my gown/ Oh Daddy, Daddy, he didn’t bring the towel/ Oh baby, baby, we better slow it down”.

She claims to be a feminist, How sweet! : 

 The thing is many people regard her as being a feminist or a black activist, but I think behind that image is just a big money making scheme... Tell me if I'm wrong.

 Her songs, seem to suggest anything but an independent, fierce feminist outlook. In the Destiny’s Child hit Cater 2 U, Beyonce admits her life would be “purposeless” without her man, offering to “Let me help you/Take off your shoes…Let me feed you/Let me run your bathwater/Whatever you desire/I’ll aspire”. Then there’s 'Dance For You', where she spends the entire film clip dirty dancing for a disinterested man while singing lyrics like “Tonight I’m gonna dance for you…loving you is really all that’s on my mind….” 

Beyoncé has a lot of things on her side – a famous husband, famous friends, a perfect body, good looks, an adorable baby, a great voice, wealth – and she is an expert at exploiting them.

She orchestrates a secret album and ensures that it stands out from the crowd by being a visual showcase. She dedicates an entire song and video to her one year-old daughter, but never shows the child’s face! C'mon Bey... Ask Chris Brown how he did it.

 She networks like no other and has friends in high places, the leader of the free world among them.

 Bottom line? Beyoncé is a great performer and undoubtedly deserving of her fame. However, the minute we start singing praises about her being the voice of a generation, a living goddess and a pioneer in music, we have gone too far. But..What do I know?


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