I really don't get the hype... Seriously. A few weeks back, while I was peacefully scrolling through my Twitter feeds. Bey was trending all over my Timeline. All she did was drop an album for fucks sake and it felt like Jesus was coming into town. Literally. Her fan base is more annoying than her. They treat her like JESUS, which is first of all absurd due to the fact that she is very obviously just a normal human being like you and I and they are ready to die for her if need be. You don baff? I am not afraid to say it, and I would say it over and over again. Her fans give her way too much credit. Although, There is no denying that this lady is an amazing singer and performer But Her greatest attribute is her fans, and that's just about that. She Has The Best Fans. Who regularly spawn threats and insults to those that disagree that Beyonce isn't all that. Don’t get me wrong ( Before the BEYHIVES att...